
Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research

About the Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research

The Deanship of Graduate Studies and Scientific Research represents one of the most crucial pillars of Stardom University. This is due to the significant role that scientific research plays in any academic institution. Scientific research has a significant impact on the credibility and reputation of Stardom University. Therefore, the university's strategic plan has been designed to align with global and international trends. The plan aims to enhance the quality and quantity of research outputs at Stardom University. To achieve this, the strategic research plan includes an implementation strategy that ensures success by striving to meet performance indicators in published research and research contributions.

Stardom University offers over 15 distinguished master's programs across various faculties. In the Faculty of Business Administration, the programs include a Master’s in Human Resource Management (in Arabic), a Master’s in Accounting and Finance (in Arabic), and a Master’s in Business Administration (in Arabic). The programs in the Faculty of Information Technology and Computer Science, the Faculty of Education, and the Faculty of Media and Publishing also support scientific research as one of the sources of research at Stardom University. Additionally, research-based education is a key focus of the university's graduate studies. In this context, the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies provides the necessary support for graduate research by offering financial assistance and securing the university's resources needed to meet the requirements of graduate researchers and faculty members. Efforts are also made to prioritize research projects to significantly impact community service and development at the local and regional levels.

The Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies aims to encourage faculty members at the university to contribute by publishing their research in reputable international scientific journals. This is evident from the various incentives provided to enable researchers and support and encouragement for participation in global conferences, lectures, and workshops, both regionally and globally. To enhance the university's visibility, the Deanship also supports the authorship and publication of books prepared by faculty members, which significantly enrich educational and research curricula. All faculty publications, including those in journals, conferences, and books, are available on the Deanship's website.


Leadership and excellence in scientific research and graduate studies at the local, regional, and global levels.


To continually strive for advancement and excellence in scientific research across all fields and to offer distinguished graduate programs that meet the demands of the international and global job markets.


Objectives of the Deanery of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies: