
Artificial intelligence, a look at the concept, types, advantages, and disadvantages

After the tremendous revolution brought about by artificial intelligence technology in all fields, all institutions are on alert to adapt to the changes that resulted from this technology, especially after expecting it to continue to develop in the future to make other changes beyond the limits of the human mind's imagination, so we address in this article.

The concept of artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence or AI for short is a term that forms an umbrella for many technologies that allow machines to mimic human intelligence.

When humans think they feel and feel what is happening around them, they understand what these circumstances mean and they make a decision based on it and then act on it.

Likewise, smart devices or AI-powered devices are in the early stages of applying these same human behaviors.

Types of artificial intelligence

Today, artificial intelligence is divided into four basic types, where the simplest types of artificial intelligence can only perform basic functions, while the most advanced types are a fully self-conscious entity and what is going on around it, and much like human consciousness.

These four types are as follows:

  • Reactive Machines.
  • Limited Memory .
  • Theory of Mind.
  • Self-Aware 

Today, we have passed the stage of the first type of it, and we are about to master and master the second type, but the third and fourth types of artificial intelligence exist only as a theory, and will probably represent the next stage of the development of artificial intelligence.

Advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence

Everything has benefits, but it often has drawbacks and disadvantages, and the advantages and disadvantages of artificial intelligence are explained below:


  1. Good at detail-oriented functions.
  2. Reduce the time spent performing data-packed tasks.
  3. Provide consistent results.
  4. Introducing AI-powered virtual agents.


  1. Its applications are expensive and limited by experts working in the field of artificial intelligence.
  2. Inability to transfer information from one task to another.
  3. Deep technical expertise is required.

Future developments in the field of artificial intelligence:

Artificial intelligence is expected to continue to make tremendous developments across the board, most notably the following:

1- Artificial intelligence and the healthcare sector

After the use of AI to collect relevant and accurate data on patients, it is expected that doctors will use it in the future to make proactive decisions regarding patient health using predictive analytics, in addition to the ability to monitor patients’ health remotely, and the use of integrated devices that support the Internet of Things to provide doctors with alerts if the patient needs emergency treatment.

2- Artificial intelligence and fashion

The fashion industry is close to benefiting from artificial intelligence technology in the future, fashion companies are expected to use this technology to make three-dimensional digital models in order to save resources and materials, and many fashion shows are expected to be already virtual and digital fashion is the new trend.

3- Artificial Intelligence and Education

Currently, artificial intelligence has enabled access to many training courses, and in the future, this technology is expected to change traditional education and provide more effective educational opportunities for students, especially those who suffer from academic failure. Virtual reality games and software are likely to become more prevalent in the classroom, so students will have first-hand experience.

4- Artificial intelligence and advertising

Artificial intelligence will revolutionize advertising in the future, as AI-powered systems will increasingly rely on repeat advertising campaigns, and these systems will increase access to historical data and provide accurate results.

In conclusion, artificial intelligence will greatly shape our future, which requires all individuals and institutions to be prepared to deal with this technology and understand its effects, which have already appeared in all fields.


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