
About the Academy

About the Academy:

Stardom Training Academy specializes in training, development, and capacity building. It was established by University Council Decision No. (10) of 2023 to connect the university with the local and global community. The Stardom Training Academy was established to strengthen the connection between Stardom University and the local and global community through capacity building and knowledge development. The academy is a leader in training and development, striving to achieve the goals of continuous learning and community service and committed to the highest international quality standards. The Training Academy at Stardom University aims to achieve sustainable human development by designing and implementing exceptional training programs in various fields. The academy is distinguished by its reliance on studies and scientific research to identify market needs and design appropriate training programs. To achieve these goals, the university benefits from the expertise of international academic staff and the scientific resources available at the university. To achieve Stardom University's vision of leading the training field, the academy strives to select academically and administratively specialized personnel with high levels of training and professional experience. This is accomplished by designing training programs that meet labor market needs and promote excellence and innovation in productive and service sectors.

Unique Features of Stardom Academy: