Each of us needs to correct his behavior according to the law and according to life, so you cannot enjoy justice and equality without the existence of the law, the law is the basis for the existence of justice that you wish, and if you want to live with this justice, you must be subject to the law of your country. As the Roman philosopher Cicero said: "We are slaves of the law to become free by law ."
In that article, we talk about the definition of public law and its most important features and sections according to a sophisticated opinion and an enlightened understanding.
International law, like other branches of law, aims to this end, and international law since its inception seeks to protect the international community from destructive conflicts and wars, but at the present stage, after achieving a minimum level of peace in the world, the goal of international law has become to strengthen ties and cooperation between peoples.
Definition of international law:
International law is a set of legal rules and standards that are applied between sovereign states and other entities legally recognized as international actors, and this term was coined by the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham
Branches of international law
There are a number of branches of international law, the most important of which are:
Departments of International Law
International law is divided into two parts, the first section is general and the second part is private, as follows:
Sources of international law
International law is a complex field specialized in many diverse issues, as it represents one of the main concerns of the United Nations, and the sources of this law include the following:
First : International Treaties:
It is an agreement concluded in writing between two or more States and treaties are subject to international law, whether in one or more documents.
Second : International Custom:
It is a set of legal rules arising from the repetition of the process of State commitment in their conduct with others in certain situations.
Third : General Legal Principles:
The general principles of law mean those principles deduced by the judiciary, which are revealed through the general legal conscience in the State by the judge, as they apply to disputes and disputes submitted before him.
Fourth : Judicial Judgments and Decisions:
The term judicial judgment shall be given to what is issued by the judges of the Magistrate’s Court, the Court of First Instance and the Sharia Court in the cases submitted to it, and the term judicial decision shall be given to what is issued by the judges of the courts of appeal and the Court of Cassation.
In conclusion, international law remains an essential pillar for promoting the values of cooperation and justice in the international arena, which requires all States to adhere to it and promote its application to achieve a safer and more stable future for the entire world.